24th Main in now D.A.PANDU ROAD
Starting September 7, 2020 - Ending December 30, 2020
A Prestegious Moment for the R.V.Family
24th Main, J.P.Nagar I Phase is Now D.A.Pandu Road.
Recognising the untiring effort of the late Educationist Shri.D.A.Pandu, Chief Mentor of the R.S.S.T, the BBMP & Govt. of Karnataka renamed the road on which the Dental college is located as D.A.Pandu Road on 2nd September.
The Board unveiling ceremony was done by His Worshipful Mayor .Shri. Natraj.Officals from Both the Legislative Assembly, BBMP & BDA were in Attendance along with the Proud Family Memebrs of Shri.D.A.Pandu