- Project on "Dental Health Education for school children" sponsored
by UNICEF in collaboration with Zilla Panchayat, Mysore.
- Project work on "Study of Periodical Tissues" sponsored by Dabur
- Project on "Hepatitis B screening in Dental students"-Medical
Research Foundation of Bangalore.
- "National Oral Health Survey and Fluoride Mapping"-A Dental
Council of India and Ministry of Health Project.
- Project on "Clinical Trial of Indigenous Implants" developed
by Defence Research Development Organization (DRDO) in
- A joint project with the Department of Molecular Reproduction
Development and Genetics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
on "TGF-b and Gene Mapping in Oral Sub mucous Fibrosis and Oral
Cancer" -Has been initiated and is in progress.
- Project on "Preventive Healthcare with special reference to
Bangalore urban poor", in concert with CAMHADD (Common
Wealth Association of Handicap and Development Disability) and
BMP (Bangalore Mahanagara Palike) has been initiated and is in
- Proposed collaboration with Department of Oral Medicine,
New York University, New York. And Rajiv Gandhi University of
Health Sciences, Bangalore, on "Comprehensive Oral Health
Programme -A Village Adoption Project".